Manta Care Boiler Service Plans

Manta Care Servicing Plan

Manta Care PRO Servicing Plan

Manta Care MAX Servicing Plan


The Manta Care Boiler Service Plan

The essential service and peace of mind

● Test all safety devices.

● Test flue gases

● Test for gas leaks

● Test gas consumption

● Inspect & clean the condensate trap.

● Inspect for water damage.

● Test system water quality (test point available)

● Clean magnetic filter (where safe to do so)

● Maintain manufacturer’s warranty/guarantee.


The Manta Care PRO Boiler Service Plan

More service, more peace of mind,

● Test all safety devices.

● Test flue gases

● Test for gas leaks

● Test gas consumption ● Inspect & clean the condensate trap.

● Clean magnetic filter (where safe to do so)

● Inspect for water damage. ● Test system water quality (test point available)

● Maintain manufacturer’s warranty/guarantee. ● Service parts, gaskets, seals & electrodes, if required *

● Chemical treatment of system water, if required *



The Manta Care MAX Boiler Service Plan

Maximum service, Maximum peace of mind,

The Manta Care MAX Service Plan – not offered on Boilers over 10 years old

● All standard boiler service tests

● Plus, parts, gaskets, seals & electrodes

● Plus, the chemical dosage of system water.

● Plus, cloud backup of maintenance history

● Plus, the homeowner’s gas safety inspection

● 2 hours of free Labour for any repair issues on the boiler and heating system, not inclusive of ANY parts

● More service, more peace of mind

Not included with the Manta Care Boiler Service

● Service parts, gaskets, seals & electrodes, if required *

● Chemical treatment of system water, if required *

● Replacement of the heating system

● Locating system leaks

● Solving circulation issues

● Power flushing the system.

*Service part kits vary in price based on the boiler model (kits start at @£50)

*Chemical treatment is dependent on the size of the property (each dose is charged at £30)

Not included with the Manta Care PRO Boiler Service

● Replacement of the heating system

● Locating system leaks

● Solving circulation issues

● Power flushing the system.

Not included with the Manta Care MAX Service 


● Replacement of the heating system

● Locating system leaks

● Solving circulation issues

● Power flushing the system.

£6 per Month


£70 per Year

£12 per Month


£120 per Year

£16 per Month


£170 per Year